Chemical Transfer Pump

Chemical Transfer Pump In an article entitled Material Transfer Pump, we explain what a material transfer pump is and what its function is. A material transfer pump is a kind of electro-pumps used to transport concentrated or high-viscosity materials. But thick and high viscosity materials are very versatile and used in different industries for different […]
Concentrated pump

Concentrated pump One of the most important types of material transfer electro pumps or material transfer pumps can be called the concentrate pump also known as mono pump. This type of pump is a type of positive displacement pump or positive pressure pump, which is often used to transport high concentrations of materials such as […]
Material Transfer Pumps

Material Transfer Pumps In order to transport chemicals, synthetic materials or various heavy liquids, Such as oils or sludge, etc., use an electro pump, known as a material transfer pumps. Some are also known as chemical transfer pumps because they are widely used in various chemical industries. But chemical transfer pumps are just one of many […]
What is a die casting mold?

What is a die casting mold? Industrial molds are very diverse. The variety of these molds is due to the large variety of components and industrial parts and the type and quality required for them, and even the type of parts being manufactured or assembled has a great impact on industrial mold making. But with […]
Liquid silicone rubber injection process (LSR)

Liquid silicone rubber injection process (LSR) The use of industrial rubbers to manufacture some of the parts and accessories used in the industry became popular in the mid-nineteenth century. Synthetic rubbers, such as silicone, were considered early on due to their higher resistance to heat, chemicals and acids, and later combined with other materials to […]